Saturday, August 31, 2019

Dream Analysis Essay

Most of us have at one time or another experienced a dream, be it a nightmare or a pleasant walk in a forest. Either way, it was always believed that dreams encompass a coded message that might be expressing our hidden wishes, things that happened in the past or even predict the future. In the past, there have been many attempts to unravel the secret hidden behind the dreams and so far the world came up with three main theories of interpreting the dreams (Freudian, Jungian and Cognitive)(Wade, Travis 1998). In this essay I will attempt to analyze my dream by using each of the theories mentioned above, then compare the outcomes as well as their possible connections to my life and in the end determine, which one of these theories is the most accurate and thus as a laic may say the â€Å"best† one. However, I have never believed that my dreams have any meaning and in the course of this analysis I will try to prove that the Cognitive view alone offers the most reasonable explanation of my dreams. My dream had begun on a deserted shore. After a while, I was able to find a little cottage that belonged to a fisherman. I needed from him a boat in order to get to an island (it looked like a great mountain that was rising from the water and was covered with snow). All of a sudden, I sat in the boat with four of my roommates as well as with my father and grandfather. However, only then have we found out that we do not have enough food to get to that island, so we turned our boat back to the harbor. Upon our return, we had gone into a forest that was covering almost all of the land that we were able to see. After a period of time, the length of which I was not able to determine, we have found an arbor and there were many deer running around it. But instead of shooting any of them, I shot an old ugly pig with six bullets. That was the end of my dream. The next day in the morning I wrote it down as soon as I woke up. Sigmund Freud, in his famous book â€Å"Interpretation of Dreams† (1900) presented his new theories about determining the real meaning of our dreams. According to his book, our dreams in their core represent our deepest wishes, desires and instinctual thoughts. However, as these dreams in their original form (latent contents) were unacceptable for our consciousness, the â€Å"censor†(an unconscious mechanism) shaped them into an acceptable and symbolic form (manifest content). These symbols may represent a condensation (combination of many components), a composite (combination of two components), a displacement (part of) or representation (substitute symbol) of latent (original) contents of a dream. However, Sigmund Freud used as well the technique of the free association in order to determine the real meaning of the dream, because sometimes it was not possible to do so by applying the dream work functions (condensation, composite, displacement, representation) only (Freud 1900). To be more specific about the process of analyzing any dream, Freud thought that only those objects and symbols are of significant importance that we forget as soon as few days pass by and our unconscious â€Å"censor† has enough time to erase them from our memory (Freud 1900). When I have compared the two versions of my dream (the one that I put down immediately after waking up and the other one that was written after four days) I found out that the following things and objects were omitted: ?People that were in the boat with me ? Deer around the arbor  ?Six bullets (that I have shot the pig with) The fact, that these objects were omitted signified a fact that they are (from Freudian point of view) of significant importance. People that were in the boat with me were the ones I like and ask for an advice or help. The fact that they were in the boat with me could mean that I need them or perhaps that I will need them sometimes in the future. However, we can explain it also in another way. Perhaps they are just slowing my boat down and therefore I cannot go towards my goals as fast as I would like to. If we take into consideration this explanation of these people in my boat, it could mean that in order to achieve my aims, I need to do it on my own and according to my own opinions. But the deer around the arbor is much greater puzzle than the objects discussed before. It could stand for knowledge that I might need along my way or it could even represent a woman (who I will probably need in the course of my life). However, when I apply that outcome to my present situation, the first outcome (knowledge) is much more probably than the second one. Last things that I have omitted were those six bullets. Number six, according to the common knowledge in my country, is an unlucky number, therefore it could have stood for death, for bad luck or for a bad choice that I have made when I decided to shot that pig and not the deer. It may signify that before I set out for my journey, I may make a bad decision that I will suffer from on my way to the mountain (pork is not as good as venison). However, my Internet source mentioned that number six symbolizes completeness and in some cases it may signalize a conflict in the future (Gifford). As it could be observed, there was used the method of free association mainly in combination with the dream work function of representation. Nevertheless, all of these explanations could have been truth, but in their core they are too general and their meaning is sometimes too ambiguous. Therefore I would not consider the Freudian theory of dream analysis as an accurate way to analyze my dream and thus I may claim that it is irrelevant to use this theory in order to analyze any dream. The Jungian dream analysis is basically based on the analysis of the most powerful image from our dream be it a place, person or even a color (Johnson 2002). Then there is used the method called amplification, when all of the meanings that this image could have had are written down. In the next part of the Jungian dream analysis are all of these possible meanings divided into three main groups (personal, cultural, archetypal). Then the last step is to relate these meanings to the current problems or to the unexpressed aspects of personality (subjective analysis)(Wade, Travis 1998). In my dream the most powerful image had been the mountain that towered itself in the distance. It looked great and it seemed that it is not possible to get on the top of it and that was one of the reasons why I endeavored to get on the very top of it. As it was mentioned in the paragraph above, I have tried to find all of the possible meanings that the mountain might have and divided them into three groups: A. Personal meaning: challenge, goals, endeavors B. Cultural Meaning: nature, strength, eternity, majesty C. Archetypal Meaning: any task that an individual is facing (Gifford) Accordingly to the last part of Jung’s analysis, I tried to relate all of the words mentioned in each of those groups to my personal and present life. However, the cultural meaning as well as the archetypal of the word mountain did not appear to have any connection with my person and therefore I focused mostly on the personal meaning of this word. As it was mentioned in the group A. , mountain represents to me a challenge, exertion of efforts in order to achieve my goals and aims. Also the Internet provided me with an archetypal meaning that was similar to the associations mentioned in the group of â€Å"personal meaning† words. It pointed out that this picture might symbolize a task that I am facing at the moment or that I will encounter in the future (Gifford). At the moment I am a student at the UNYP in the 1st year of the Bachelor Program. Naturally, in case that I want to achieve success, I have to work hard and try to do my best. As we can see, the personal meanings of mountain are really closely interconnected with my present state and therefore we may claim that this dream analysis has provided me with an advice about achieving my goals in the future or at least at school. However, there is a need to ponder for a while about the way Carl Jung analyzes his dreams. When we take any object, be it a table or a water bucket, by constructive thinking and certain associations, we are able to come with all sorts of possible meanings that we can link with some specific part of our life. Therefore, we may say that this way of dream analysis is more accurate than the Freudian (because it has provided me at least with a reasonable advice about my future), but as we could see, the outcomes were too general form me to determine the real meaning of my dream and thus from my perspective is the Jungian dream analysis irrelevant. The last theory about the meaning of our dreams is called the Cognitive View. According to this specific approach, the dreams are just leftover memories, which are randomly reoccurring during our sleep (Wade, Travis 1998). When I tried to find a picture in my memory that would be similar be to my dream, I came with an outcome that was perhaps not that surprising. During my life, I have really been in a boat near an island, which consisted from cliffs only, that towered high above the water surface. My father was there with me as well. This was just a one parallel between my past and my dream. I am sure that, if I will examine my past closely, I would be able to find all of the objects that reappeared in my dream. However, the only difference between my dream and the past was, that the dream, in my opinion, was not just an exact picture that mirrored that past, on the contrary it was a mix of past experiences that have reappeared in my dream. To sum up, the Cognitive View has provided me with a logical explanation in all details of my dream and therefore it is in my opinion better than the other two theories that were used in the previous paragraphs to analyze my dream To compare the usefulness and accuracy of both of these theories (Freudian and Jungian) and the Cognitive view, we have to apply them to our present state, to our past and future plans. As our psychology teacher Mike Johnson pointed out in one of his lectures: â€Å"The best interpretation (of a dream) is the one that has the greatest logical meaning and is mostly helping you to solve these problems. † (Johnson 2002). From this point of view, the best logical and reasonable explanation of my dream has provided the Cognitive View, which, as it was mentioned in the paragraph above, assumes that all of our dreams are just leftover memories. In my personal opinion it is true, because I was truly able to find in that dream of mine certain aspects that belonged to my past. Of course, I am not claiming that the theories of dream analysis of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung that worked for decades are wrong, but in my case the outcome of these two theories was too general as well as obscure for me to believe that they represent the best way of dream analysis. Freud, S. (1900). Interpretation of Dreams: NY, New York. Gifford, T. (n. d. ). Myths Dreams Symbols. Retrieved October 15th, 2002 from http://www. mythsdreamssymbols. com/ Johnson, M. (2002). Lecture, General Psychology, University of New York / Prague, Prague, Czech Republic. Wade, C. & Travis, C. (1998). Psychology (5th Ed. ) New York: Adison Wesley.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Chapter 9 Psychology Notes

Chapter 9 Psychology Thinking? Cognition: All mental activities associated with processing understanding and communicating Concept: A mental grouping of similar object events and people Prototype: mental imagine that incorporate all the features that we associate with the concept How do we solve problems? Algorithms: Step by step procedure that guarantees a solution. How does it work? Heuristics: Quicker, more efficient but more prone to error. â€Å"Rule of Thumb† Strategy Insight: When you have a sudden flash of inspiration. Johnny Appleton and construction workers.Obstacles to Problem Solving Confirmation Bias: When we search for information that confirms our beliefs Fixation: Inability to see a problem from a fresh perspective Functional Fixedness: When we perceive the function of object as fixed and unchanging. Thinking is also affected by Overconfidence: Our tendency to overestimate the accuracy of our knowledge and judgment Framing: The way an issue is presented Belief Perseverance: Our Inclination to hold on to over belifeinspite of evidence that contradicts them. Language Our spoken written, or gestured words and the way we combine them.How do we acquire it? Babble at 4 months Distinct babbling at 10 months 1 year 1 word sentence Two year say two word sentences. Girls babble before boys, and say sentence before boys too and follows into Elementary school. Three Theories of Language Development Skinner: believes we talk because of Association. Imitation, Reinforcement Chomsky: believes we are pre-wired for language with a LAD (Language Acquisition Device) Whorf: Linguistic Determinism different languages impose difference realities Animal Intelligence Do animals think? They can solve problems and make tools. Read Renal System Physiology PhysioexDo animals have language? They can learn human sign language and communicate with each other. Hunger Hunger pangs Blood sugar drops Release of hormone orexin Hunger may affect -Thinking -Mood -Behavior Set Point – the point at which out weight is set Basal Metabolic Rate – the rate at which your body expends energy to maintain basic body functions Sexual Orientations Long term enduring sexual attraction to the same sex 3-4% of men are homosexual 1-2% of women are homosexual LeVays’s Research – Measured a cluster of cells in brains to determine their sexual orientation.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Critically analyse the social and spatial processes whereby a selected Essay

Critically analyse the social and spatial processes whereby a selected group becomes marginalised or excluded from society - Essay Example If the laws written in the books are to be followed, then there should not be marginalisation against the poor. Unfortunately though, the laws only seem to remain paper work as actual marginalisation against the poor takes place in everyday life. In this essay, there shall be the critical analysis of the various ways in which poor people are commonly discriminated against in society, leading a sense of marginalisation against them. Most importantly, ways of bridging the gap of marginalisation shall be reviewed. The review is expected to serve the purpose of not just laying the facts bear but going a step further to ensure that the paper becomes of significant essence to the marginalised poor such that the poor shall be in a position to live a normal life – the kind that is written in books. Marginalisation and Social Exclusion as a Process Marginalisation is a complex â€Å"process whereby certain groups suffering deprivation are pushed to the edge of society where they have little say in decision making and are denied the means to improve their position† (Combat Poverty Agency, 2002). Marginalisation and social exclusion is not an event but a process. ... al terms in social relationships in economic, social, cultural or political arenas.† As a process therefore, social exclusion and marginalisation involves a whole lot of components that entails social, economic, political or cultural acts of discrimination. Factors constituting Marginalisation against the Poor Spatial Inequalities Terms such as ‘rural’ and ‘urban’ are not leaving our group of vocabulary any time soon. It is common knowledge that the poor is associated with the rural settlement whereas the urban is for the rich and well to do. Instead of distrusting developmental resources and agenda equally to bridge the gap between the poor and the rich, governments continue give so many premiums to the welfare of the rich, providing them with social amnesties and facilities that are needed to make life easier and good. As if the poor is destined to live a difficult and bad life, rate of development between the rural and urban centres creates such a w ild gap that marginalisation is braided. In this regard, the Governance and Social Development Resource Centre (2011), notes that â€Å"spatial inequalities include disparities between rural and urban areas, and also between geographically advantaged and disadvantaged areas.† This means that any act that tries to segregate the poor from the rich through geographic divisions, giving advantage to one of the groups over the other constitutes spatial inequality of spatial marginalisation. As agents for change, political leaders are expected to put in place structures that bridge the gap between the rich and poor rather than widening the gap. Through gradual activities and developmental programs that tend to raise the quality of living in urban centres however, a halo of marginalisation tends to be created against the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare Essay

A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare - Essay Example Who hasn’t, in the days when we were young, gone to bed seemingly in love with one person only to awake the next day and find strong emotions in our hearts for someone else? This is irrational, but being irrational and silly has its place within each of us. Few people will admit to being so linear and scientific as to deny their lack of rational control when it comes to love. A Midsummer Night’s Dream is so popular because it reminds us all of those days when we could be irrational and fantastic without feeling the least bit foolish. Like all good literature, I believe the play’s appeal also lies in the characters. Reading the play allows me to see a bit of my own silliness in the situations the characters find themselves. The fantasy of fairies and love potions and enchanted forests is so engrained in our culture that A Midsummer Night’s Dream is exactly the antidote many of need for the sterile scientific world in which we currently live.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Contemporary project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Contemporary project - Essay Example In developed countries, very rare cases of counterfeit medicines are observed because people are well informed and the online markets help the customers to differentiate the real and fake drugs for the patients. The problem of counterfeit medicines is not difficult to tackle. Implementation of strict rules and regulations, strong role of the institutions, working courts against these companies and the well-structured liability laws are helpful to demolish these kinds of drugs from the markets. For example, two organizations are actively working against fake pharmaceutical companies and for community health in Uganda. A big NGO â€Å"BRAC† is working in Bangladesh and in African Countries for selling genuine medicines and for health projects. In addition, â€Å"Living Good† origination is also working on the same projects in Kenya, Uganda and in the neighboring countries. The organizations against counterfeit medicines decrease the selling rate of these companies by providing awareness and genuine pharmaceutical products to the patients. The role of community health programs is very useful in decreasing the rate of unemployment in several countries, e.g. about one hundred thousand workers are engaged to the BRAC, which is a nongovernmental organization. In some areas of the world, cell phone technology is also playing the role for authentic medicines by the facility of verification codes for genuine products. Doctor Ashifi Gogo introduced the latest system of medicine authentication code through cell phones in those areas, where the customers do not trust in the shops of medicine markets. For example, a unique code number is present in every box of the Sproxil brand to identify it’s originality before using it. The customer scratches the card to find the code number and checks it through the cell phone authentication method to know the originality of the product. The revenues of Sproxil were great in 2010 after implementing the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Multi-national organization that is an ideal candidate for acquisition Research Paper

Multi-national organization that is an ideal candidate for acquisition - Research Paper Example According to Miller, Vandome and John (2010) have reported that the company has furthered its growth in the foreign market and has branches in Sweden, United States, UK and other 100 countries. It is headquartered in London, UK. AS of 23rd December 2011 it had a market capitalization of approximately ? 39.5 billion. It has an operating income of US $8.15, a net income of US$ 6.33 billion, and 57,200 employees in the year 2012. AstraZeneca is involved in the development, manufacturing, and selling of pharmaceutical and biotechnological products. According to Magidibe (2011) reported that the pharmaceutical industry is also risky because to develop a drug requires huge investments and out of the many thousands of discovered compounds. As a result, only one might be approved drug for sale with the failure rate being high and very difficult to get the return on investment. To venture into a foreign market requires a consideration of various factors. Cultural diversity plays a crucial rol e in the organizational structure of the business. Cross-cultural diversity is emphasized as it helps create cohesion in the organization. To attain international business success, the organization must employ the services of the people in the nation you have established your business. This is leads to product diversity. According to McDowell (2011) found out that productive diversity refers to the business benefits that emerge through the employment of many different people. Such advantages are referred to as diversity dividend and comprise of: expanded global opportunities; an improved business to business relations; enhanced innovation and creativity; advanced communication between the parties; superior teamwork skills; quality customer service; and reduced workplace conflict. For an organization to be effective in their translation of goals into results there must be an alignment between organizational structure and the business strategy. Alignment is attained when the shared be liefs, ways of working and values within the organization drive towards the realization of strategic objectives and goals. The pharmaceutical industry has many challenges if you want to establish the organization globally. It therefore needs a strategy in order for it to survive in the foreign environment. According to Afuah (2009) is of the opinion that strategy is the actions taken by managers to attain certain goals and objectives of the firm. The key aspects of global strategies include: treating the global market as a domestic market; creation of a global marketing mix; creation of production and distribution systems; concentrating on the power brands. With my pharmaceutical company investing in a nation that we were not aware of the pharmaceutical industry, therefore the need to align with AstraZeneca. The conduction of business analysis found out that pharmaceutical industry is characterized by rising consumer expectations and an ageing population which continues to create un met medical needs. Cherubini (2013) argues that there are the enormous needs of the developing nations nearby a fundamental driver behind continued research and development (R&D) investment so as to create novel drugs. However, the costs of healthcare have consistently raised faster than GDP thus creation of an unsustainable situation in healthcare systems, whether it is publicly or privately funded. Entry into a foreign market requires a strategy. The probable strategy to enter the European market is by utilizing

Sunday, August 25, 2019

How one of the exhibit of California Academy of science relates to Essay

How one of the exhibit of California Academy of science relates to anthropology - Essay Example s very crowded as this is the place, which provides great entertainment to the whole family, as well as, great source of information regarding different things. The subjects of the exhibits range from nature to science. As there are many interesting exhibits, I visited the academy’s most popular past Earthquake exhibit, which was an amazing and immersive experience. It will not be incorrect to state that the exhibit was greatly related to anthropology (Jurmain, Kilgore and Trevathan). There were a number of art pieces that allowed the visitors to understand the anthropology of the region. In addition, some of the pieces included the walking earth, which reflected upon the message of human’s treatment of planet earth, and the reaction that the earth undertakes, as a result, such as earthquake. The most interesting dimension of the exhibit was the window view of Victorian era, which shows the visitors about impact that the earthquake had on the environment. There was a list of precautions that was provided in the ancient times in order to survive the earthquake. Thus, in such a way, the visitors can actually become aware of feelings and experiences of ancient era dividing time duration between the two earthquakes ( The Earthquake exhibit let me experience the continuous tremor of the city’s two major earthquakes by traveling back in the time when earthquakes hit the San Francisco and Loma Prieta. In 1906 great earthquake, which was noted 7.9-magnitude on the rector scale, wrecked San Francisco and the many aftershocks also struck the city after that earthquake. This Earthquake was the worst natural disaster of that century in the California’s history. Similarly, the Loma Prieta earthquake, which is normally known as Quake of ‘89 struck the San Francisco Bay Area, was also a big disaster for the city. The 6.9 magnitude on the rector scale earthquake was noted in the Loma Prietsa (Prentice). It should be noted that the major aim of the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Creative Life Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Creative Life Writing - Essay Example The nighttime was unpleasantly cold. Maureen sat back and remained still on her bed, struggling not to tremble. Any motions or move about could be heard by the other mean convent sisters. She tried to control her breathing, in order not to trigger nausea in the extraordinarily freezing air despite the fact that her heart wanted to beat its way out of her chest. Her body was uneasy, as she had to wait for the morning almost throughout the night. Finally, it was morning, and the chattering and babbling noises of morning birds reverberated throughout the trees. Moreover, she knew she had finally walloped the recognizable gold of her patients. Enthusiasm endangered to compel her gulp of air into an unbalanced struggle for breath, but she tried to remain in control of herself. By now she knew the other sisters were up. She challenged to turn her head over so steadily, to look closely through the spaces between the beds in the dormitory. A pair of shimmering eyes in the narrow glow bounced in her direction. Then she reckoned she would have only seconds. They drew more rapidly, and she allowed her muscles to be overwrought, set for confrontations she would have to face, she thought to herself. Without warning, there was a heavy tap on her shoulder and what followed was the glare of two big eyeballs and a hoarse voice saying, â€Å"Getcha loaf off the bed you muppet!† Maureen starred at Mother Teresa and in her head said to herself, â€Å"I wonder if she knows the Jesus, she preaches about. â€Å"I am having a bad dose, Mother Teresa,† Said Maureen. The look from the gigantic woman made Maureen’s arms move of its individual agreement as she tried to lift her helpless body off the bed. Maureen’s feet reached for the ground. She howled while yawning and gurgled stretching her muscles after a long night. She put on her sandals and walked down the hallway, knowing the routine it was time for morning prayers before taking breakfast. By now, Maureen could not hold her nausea anymore as she headed hurriedly for the bathroom. When there she let it go, and it took all her energy making her sit on the floor despite how unhygienic and unthinkable it was.She slowly opened the door and soon after noticed a shadow below her feet. When she looked up she could see the silhouette of a gigantic woman before her, as the sunlight rays made it difficult to tell who it was. She moved towards Maureen and said, â€Å"Relax my child, it is me, Angela.† Maureen then s tepped back in a manner to hide her face from the blaring sunlight. As she regained her sight, she noticed an elderly woman was staring at her belly. She then said, â€Å"how’s the body me a little child?† Maureen replied, â€Å"Am doing just good sister.† But Angela became persistent and asked, â€Å"And why are ya spoofing off ya mouth here?† Maureen then looked down and said, â€Å"You must not tell anyone of this but am up to the duff Sister.† Angela sat down next to her in astonishment. â€Å"How is that even possible? You are a very young lad!!†

Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Assessment - Essay Example The research teams have extensive experience in relevant fields hence they can conduct efficient studies and collect relevant disease data of all patients. They are conversant with patient recruitment and retention. The health personnel use both innovative and remote methods to recruit and retain patients to be enrolled for data collection. This body is very important since it has improved the living standards of patients through ethical and up to standard medical research due the professionalism practiced. It is also referred to as Shadow records. Physicians, pharmacists, psychologists and other health professionals maintained records of patients they attend. These records include copies of patient care information cards. The health record departments receive documents that carry information about a particular patient. Records received from Unit Medical Record (UMR) are forwarded to the health professionals to keep together with other patients’ records. All these comprise CMR and should not have any original document other than copies of the originals. CMR can also be Common Medical Record and this represents patient health history. It is mandatory that all health organizations in the Federal government synthesize health history of all patients. CMR is very valuable when health sector or organizations are tracing the root cause of diseases (Kominski, 2000). Health organizations process and reimburse claims. The organization billing departments are responsible for processing claims of third party payers, verification of insurance coverage and billing of Medicare. This process requires that health organizations maintain substantial information. The type of the service provided to the patient determines the type of billing forms that the third party payer will be issued with. The most common standard forms used by health organizations in United States of America are CMS-1450 and UB-92. These forms are submitted to third party

Friday, August 23, 2019

The courts decisions over the last twenty-five years or so reveal a Essay

The courts decisions over the last twenty-five years or so reveal a remarkably confusing approach to the purpose of cross-examination under s.1(f)(ii) Criminal - Essay Example (ii) he has personally or by his advocate asked questions of the witnesses for the prosecution with a view to establish his own good character, or has given evidence of his good character, or the nature or conduct of the defence is such as to involve imputations on the character of the prosecutor or the witnesses for the prosecution; or the deceased victim of the alleged crime The intention of the Act was to ban the prosecution from cross examining a defendant on previous convictions, previous crimes they had committed and any evidence of bad character. The insertion of s1(f) (ii) removed the right not to be cross examined if the accused has attempted through his defence counsel to attack the character of the witness in order to diminish their evidence against him. This form of attack was frequently employed in rape cases where the defence would often resort to questioning the victim regarding their previous sexual experiences. According to Bohner et al (1998) part of the reason why rape is so infrequently reported is due to the ‘stereotypic beliefs about rape that blame the victim and exonerate the rapist’. It was always intended that the judge would have the discretionary power to refuse to allow the defendant to be cross examined on their previous convictions, but in reality this has very rarely happened1. Up until the recent introduction of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 bad character evidence of an accused was admissible only if the evidence could be regarded as similar fact evidence. This meant that the prosecution had to show that the defendant had committed similar crimes, using a similar method, in the past in order for these to be adduced in court. The impact of the 2003 Act has extended the similar fact requirement such that a propensity towards a particular offence can be adduced to demonstrate the guilt of the accused.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Regions Chart and Written Response Essay Example for Free

Regions Chart and Written Response Essay Continued to treat the African Americans poorly. Paid poorly wages just cared about having a name and the money. Social reform movement. Farmers were politically active. Social Growth of industries caused a gap between rich and poor in this region. Political views clashed. Labor union formed first here. Still had race issues. Segregation and discrimination continued. The Chinese immigrants and the white settlers had cultural differences that led to friction. Riots and discrimination laws. Gap between rich and poor. A lot of friction. Active labor unions Economic or Type of Economy Center of the industrialization during the first and second industrial revolution. Producing more than 85% of the United States industrial products. Very low on industrial output. Had textile mills and ironwork industries. Agriculture included timber, coal, iron and steel. Little industrial development. Natural Resources was their main thing such as limber and metals. Agriculture as well. Farming and manufacturing. Steel and automotive. Upper states we center of industry, a hub for shipping and transportation. Population Change  Many immigrants began to come. 1 out of 5 industrial workers was an immigrant. Very high population. African Americans leaving to new factories in the North and Midwest for a better chance at good wages and improve their  economic and social standings. Immigrants from China came to the West looking for jobs on expanding the railroads. Sparse Population. Cities grew rapidly. Large numbers of immigrants. Transportation 200,000 miles of railroads connected cities by the 1900. The necessity of coal led to mining. Great transportation systems. New railroads stretched as far as Florida. Major railroads connected the West to the East.  Railroads and Trains contained livestock and grain. Part 2 – Respond to the prompt in a well- developed paragraph of your own. Be sure to include social, political and economic factors in your response and fully address all parts of the prompt. Explain how the Second Industrial Revolution affected the North, South, West, and Midwest. Which region would you have preferred to live in during this period? Why? The Second Industrial Revolution affected the North, South, West and Midwest mostly by population, economy, and social changes. Many immigrants came to these regions searching for a better life or founding out information on new technology because of this, it led to a lot of social friction between the immigrants and the settlers of the region. Political views clashed, segregation, riots and discrimination laws were happening while immigrants were coming in. These regions had to work with what they had and what they can use, this created the different types of economy such as industrial, manufacturing, farming, agriculture, etc. I would’ve preferred to live in the northern region because it was more developed in industries and technology.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Effects Of Biodiversity Loss And Climate Change

Effects Of Biodiversity Loss And Climate Change Biodiversity is defined as the set of all living organisms and species on land and all natural things around them such as: oceans, rivers, mountains, deserts, land, forests, jungles, animals, plants, atmosphere, heaven and humans. Climate change: climate change is affecting biodiversity so that this becomes a major threat to biodiversity in the coming decades. Since this originated? Although throughout the history of the Earth climate has always changed with the ecosystems and species that came and went, rapid climate change affects ecosystems and the ability of species to adapt and thus increases the loss of biodiversity. While the loss of biodiversity increases the life of humans at risk enters e.g. climate change can dry the water taking into account global warming, and if no water, no human, this would also affect plants as without water, photosynthesis cannot be performed, also with animals and plants not animals without human life disappears. So if biodiversity has this enormou s threat we are under this threat also already there are evidence of how species are responding to global warming. Some examples are as follows: In Costa Ricas golden toad May Have Become Extinct Due to Their Inability to Adapt to Changing temperature Birds like the blue jay in Arizona are starting to reproduce early. Alpine plants are moving to Higher latitudes in Austria Such mammals as Arctic polar bears are feeling the ravages of global warming on ice decline The surface temperatures of the Seas Have produced a Phenomenon of coral bleaching, Yielding by an alga (Which Gives color to the coral) by high temperature, alters nutrient production Penguin Populations Have fallen by 33% in parts of Antarctica In Antarctic poles are melting because of climate change, and this at a major threat to the world as these poles melting caused sea level rise and it will cause flooding and losses till some cities on the coast, I chose these two themes primarily for their long relationship and sec ondly by providing extensive information with which I can learn and study the origins of biodiversity loss and that I can do to avoid it Why biodiversity is important? Life has been able to adapt to the most diverse places on earth, from microscopic creatures that habit in the icy landscapes of the poles to creatures that live in warmer places, since the birds that fly at high altitudes than fish living in depths of the ocean, our planet is full of living organisms. All of them are part of the history of the world in the last 3.5 billion years, which means since the onset of the first cell. Just the study of early life forms, has allowed us to see how they have evolved from the simplest of bacteria to the most complex. And even though we all know that in reality we are only able to identify with a name 10 percent of them, the remaining 90 percent are still a mystery to humans. The vast majority of them are not easily visible to us, but its importance is vital to our existence, are responsible for shifting the balance between different components of the atmosphere, purify the air we repair, recycle wastes of nature to that from dead organic matter can be reborn, and is that the distribution of tasks necessary for the maintenance of ecosystems is very complex and requires the activity of all its components. While more species living more productive and stable the ecosystem will be, and have greater capacity for recovery if there is a drought, fire or any other threat to this. Scientists have begun to realize how much of this, in 1997 a group of economists and environmental scientists tried to measure in economic terms, the services that the environment gives without asking anything in return, and results they achieved almost double the GDP of all countries in the world. We should not be surprising considering all the tasks that nature solves: regulate the at mosphere and climate, fresh water purifies, enriches the soil, recycles nutrients, decodes the waste, is responsible for the pollination of crops, produce fuel wood, food, fuels and humanity, as well as important is the planets biodiversity. Climate change linked to human activity In the world, human activities have caused and will continue causing wear on biodiversity due to, among other things, changes in use and surface soil, pollution and land degradation and air pollution; the diversion of water into heavily altered ecosystems and urbanization, environmental decay, exploitation of species, introduction of alien species, ozone depletion and weather. The current rate of biodiversity loss is greater than the natural extinction. A fundamental question is how much can change (either natural or human-induced) increase or prevent such loss of biodiversity? The changes in climate create a secondary alteration to biodiversity that has begun affecting it. Atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased since preindustrial times due to human activities, particularly fossil fuels and changes in use and on the surface of the soil. For example currently rain fall on the northeast of Europe and the eastern United States and Canada that is considered acidic. The more acid rain in Europe signed up to Scotland. Observed Changes in climate Earth throughout the twentieth century: the temperature has raised land surface and marin patterns have changed spatial and temporal rainfall, has raised sea level, and increased frequency and intensity of phenomena associated with El Nià ±o. These changes, particularly the rise in temperatures in some areas have affected the timing of reproduction of animals and plants and / or migration of animals, to the extent of growing season, distribution of species and population size and frequency of pest and disease outbreaks. Some coastal ecosystems have also been affected by changes in regional climate. Loss of species by climate change The extinction of species increases the biodiversity loss, and with them our existence. For example: bees are disappearing, disappear. The consequences are disastrous this can cause the pollination is what has made it possible for millions of years, to ensure the reproduction from the plant to flower. In addition, 35% of our diet depends on pollination: fruit and vegetables. The most famous food recommended by dieticians. Moreover, in certain regions of the world, the disappearance of pollinating insects forces from Polish farmers to pollinate by hand. Researchers and beekeepers are moving in different scenarios, it has not yet been clearly identified the main cause of the extinction of bees. All pressures on the ecosystem and the health of bees have been revised: GMOs, electromagnetic waves, pesticides, pollution, climate change, scarcity of flowers, viruses, diseases, parasites, fungi, etc. What is expected of climate change? It is expected that climate change affects all aspects of biodiversity. However, these changes must take into account impacts from human activities, past, present and future, including increased atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide to the wide range of scenarios of CO2 increase is forecast that the average temperature Earths surface to rise between 1.4 and 5.8  ° C by the end of the century, land areas experiencing the highest warming oceans and high latitudes will warm more than the tropics. It is estimated that sea level rise associated with such changes falls 0.1 to 0.9 m. In general, it is expected an increase in precipitation in high latitudes and equatorial areas and decrease in subtropical areas but increased heavy rainfall. It is expected that climate change directly affecting individual organisms, populations, distribution of species, and ecosystem functioning, for example due to increased temperatures and changes in precipitation and in the case of marine ecosystems coastal and expected changes in sea level and strong storm surges, and indirectly, including through the impact of climate change in the intensity and frequency of phenomena such as forest fires. The loss, modification and disintegration of the environment and the introduction and spread of alien species will affect the impacts of climate change. A realistic projection of the future state of terrestrial ecosystems should take into account patterns of land use and water, which will greatly affect the ability of organisms to respond to climate change through movement. Percentage of variation of precipitation over the average forecast for global next 100 years on America. It is expected a decrease in central Chile and an increase in the extreme south. Melt poles by climate change Tropical, subtropical, Mediterranean, continental, desert, polar, mountain high Nobody can predict what weather will need to consider children in 100 years. The warming will force change textbooks because, even worse, alter the ecosystem of more than 60 percent of the land surface. The impact will suffer the most severe tropical forests. If you escape to deforestation, it is likely that the warming stopped. The poles will be reduced, and high mountain climates are also at risk of disappearing. Among all possible future scenarios, scientists have taken two extremes. The first, in which nothing is done to curb the emission of greenhouse gases, the result would be up to 39 percent of the Earths surface, would experience a change in temperature and rainfall that would result in a new climate. Therefore, 48 percent of current climates disappear. In the best case, with an emission control, the change will affect 20 percent of the land surface. The most affected area is the tropical, equat orial forests of Africa, Amazonia and Southeast Asia as a major hit. According to the model, the equatorial forests could move to the tropics, the deserts (Sahara, Gobi, New Mexico, Kalahari and northern Australia), to the current temperate zones, including Spain, and thus chain, to poles. Climate change consequences Changes in biodiversity at ecosystem and landscapes, in response to climate change and other pressures (such as deforestation and changes in forest fires), could further affect the global and regional climate through changes in absorption and emission of greenhouse gases and changes in the reflection. Similarly, structural changes in biological communities in the upper layers of the oceans could alter the absorption of CO2 by the ocean or the emission of precursors for cloud condensation nuclei, causing positive or negative reactions or in the climate change. The simulation of changes in biodiversity in response to climate change presents some significant challenges. The data and simulations needed to estimate the extent and nature of future changes in ecosystems and changes in the geographical distribution of the species are incomplete, which means that these effects can be quantified only partially. Flooding in Concepcià ³n by the overflowing of the river Bà ­o Bà ­o, July 2006. Because of climate change March 30, 2007 March, 2008 Effects of the drought of 2007 in Vegas Cayucupil, Caà ±ete. The image shows the same place a year apart Conclusion As I explained earlier biodiversity plays a very important in us as this is vital for human life, and this is being eroded by many factors, but here in this project. Mainly I just said the climate change, we cause rapid climate change which becomes a threat to biodiversity, bone for us, but we can do something to prevent it? Yes, there are many things you can do to help or participate in improving the current condition of the Earth and future conditions are: Improving the efficiency of cars. Be achieved through better technology, lightening the structure, improvements in engines and transmission, reducing aerodynamic drag, decreasing resistance of the wheels, etc. Accelerate improvements in energy efficiency of industries, residences and commercial establishments and public, through effective policies. Stimulate and accelerate research and development of technologies based on energy sources of renewable energy. Ending deforestation and encourage reforestation Recycle Resources

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Osteoprotegerin as Biomarker for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

Osteoprotegerin as Biomarker for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Osteoprotegerin: a novel faecal biomarker in paediatric inflammatory bowel diseases Abstract Background: Recently, Osteoprotegerin (OPG) has been identified as a faecal biological marker reflecting intestinal inflammation in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). To maintain remission, it is important to prevent relapses, especially in paediatric IBD where failure to thrive is frequently seen. This study aims to identify the diagnostic and predictive value of faecal OPG in paediatric IBD management. Methods: Stool samples, disease activity index scores and inflammatory markers were recorded from children diagnosed with CD or UC during regular visits every three months. An enzyme-linked immunoassay was used to measure faecal OPG levels in these children. Introduction Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), both an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), are severe, chronic diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract. CD occurs throughout the whole gut but is commonly seen near the ileum, whereas UC is mainly restricted to the colon. IBD deteriorates the intestinal mucosa and causes barrier disruption of the gut leading to abdominal pain, diarrhoea and rectal bleeding [1,2]. A worrisome increase in the world-wide IBD population, particularly in developed countries, has been seen over the past decades [10]. Therefore, early diagnosis and early treatment are important key factors in IBD management, especially in children where IBD causes failure to thrive and impairs growth and pubertal development [13]. Etiologically, our understanding of the etiopathogenesis in IBD is still not completely elucidated but our best hypothesis poses that inflammation of the intestinal mucosa is induced by the intestinal flora causing a deregulated immune response in both the innate and the adaptive immune system often in patients with predisposed genetic factors [14-18]. Currently, colonoscopy, albeit unpleasant, invasive and expensive, delineates mucosal inflammation and is the â€Å"gold standard† in diagnosing and monitoring IBD [11,12]. Consequently, many investigators conducted studies to inflammatory indicators trying to find less-invasive and more accessible ways of assessing gastrointestinal inflammation. Several indices have been developed and validated, however not any as sensitive and specific as colonoscopy [39,40]. Also, inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) have been studied but do not differentiate among several other inflammatory diseases. [37,38]. Nowadays, non-invasive faecal markers are deemed promising in diagnosing and monitoring IBD since previous studies have shown non-invasive faecal markers to reflect intestinal inflammation and mucosal healing [42-45]. In intestinal inflammation, one of the inflammatory pathways is the Nuclear Factor (NF)- ÃŽ ºB pathway controlling inflammatory response and modulated by (pro)-inflammatory mediators such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-ÃŽ ±, interleukin (IL)-1 and osteoprotegerin (OPG) [19,20]. OPG or TNFRSF11B is a protein and member of the Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor (TNFR) superfamily. OPG was first described in bone metabolism where it decreases bone-breakdown modulating the OPG/receptor activation of NF-ÃŽ ºB (RANK)/ RANK ligand (RANKL) pathway. In bone, RANK, which is expressed on osteoclast progenitor cells, binds RANKL and thereby inducing osteoclastogenesis. OPG, expressed by osteoblasts and acting as a decoy receptor for RANK, shows competitive binding with RANKL subsequently preventing a RANK-RANKL ligation and bone breakdown [24,25]. Since both RANKL and OPG are members of the TNFR-family and thus affecting several inflammatory mediators and cytokines (e.g. TNF-ÃŽ ±, IL-1, IL-8 and in terferon (IFN)-ÃŽ ³) the OPG/RANK/RANKL pathway also modulates inflammation. Moreover RANKL is synthesized by T-cells whereas OPG is produced by B-cells and dendritic cells (DC) indicating an even more evident role for both proteins in the immune system [26-29]. Although the exact role of OPG in inflammation is yet to be found, recently conducted studies clearly highlight a potential role for OPG as a non-invasive faecal marker in paediatric IBD. Several studies postulate OPG as a promising non-invasive faecal marker since OPG correlates positively with inflammation markers (e.g. C-reactive protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)) and IBD index scores [20,30-32]. Moreover, OPG levels decrease significantly after IBD treatment indicating less inflammation [32-34]. In addition, increased OPG levels were not only found in serum but also in intestinal mucosa and stool indicating a distinct role for OPG in intestinal inflammation [20,30-32,34,41]. The aim of this study is to describe levels of OPG with respect to disease state and whether OPG levels change over time while receiving treatment or on behalf of the relapse-remitting pattern of IBD. Furthermore we evaluate the diagnostic and predictive value of OPG as a non-invasive biological marker in paediatric IBD. Methods Patients All patients ( Disease assessment Assessment of patients’ disease activity was measured using the Paediatric Crohn’s Disease Activity Index (PCDAI) for CD patients or the Paediatric Ulcerative Colitis Activity Index (PUCAI) for patients diagnosed with UC. PCDAI scores comprise symptoms (e.g. abdominal pain), physical examination (e.g. peri-rectal disease) and blood results (haematocrit, ESR and albumin) whereas PUCAI scores are only based on subjective symptoms characterizing UC [7-9]. However, previous studies have indicated PCDAI as a poor indicator of intestinal inflammation since it is not correlating well with faecal biomarkers such as calprotectin, lactoferrin and S100A12 [3-5]. Therefore a modified PCDAI was developed and validated based on merely blood parameters (haematocrit, ESR and albumin) [6]. Eventually, both the PCDAI and the modified PCDAI were used for disease assessment in CD patients. CD or UC patients were classified as in remission/inactive, mild, moderate or severe disease state. When scoring a PCDAI12.5/17.5 [x1]or PUCAI score over 65 was classified as a severe disease [6-9]. Since the modified PCDAI only differentiates between an in remission/inactive and a severe form of CD, scores between 7.5 and 12.5/17.5 accounted for a mild/moderate disease state [6]. Subsequently, relapses were defined when patients changed from an inactive disease state to a mild, moderate or severe state or showed a ≠¥12.5 point/≠¥40 point increase in PCDAI score [9] or PUCAI score [7,8]respectively. On other hand, improvement was defined as a decrease in PCDAI score of ≠¥12.5 points [9] or a decrease in PUCAI score of ≠¥35 points [7]. [x2] Sample collection Eight stool samples per patient were collected over a period of 30 months as follows: stool samples were obtained every three months for the first year and then every 6 months for one and a half year. Stool samples were collected and immediately stored at 4 °C. After transporting the samples to the laboratory they were aliquoted and stored in a -80 °C freezer. Moreover, inflammation parameters (e.g. CRP, ESR, albumin, haematocrit, and platelet count), weight, length and Body Mass Index (BMI) were recorded during regular visits. As part of patients’ monitoring these visits took place every three months corresponding with collecting stool samples. Faecal extraction After removing stool samples from the freezer, a weighted amount of stool between 250 mg and 400 mg was added to an Eppendorf tube. Then, the same volume (between 250  µL and 400  µL) of buffered saline (PBS) containing 11  µg/mL aprotinin (Sigma), 2.5  µg/mL leupeptin hemisulfate (Sigma) and 0.5 mM 4-(2-aminoethyl) benzenesulfonyl fluoride (Sigma) was added creating a 1:1 ratio weight/volume. Next, samples were agitated on a vortex machine (Global Science, Auckland, NZ) for 30 seconds and homogenized on a suspension mixer (Gyrotory shaker model G2, New Brunswick Scientific Co, Edison, NJ, US) for 30 minutes. After centrifuging at 13,500g for 10 minutes on 22 °C supernatant was transferred to an Eppendorf tube and stored at -20 °C until analysis. ELISA OPG levels in stool samples were measured using a human OPG/TNFRSF11B ELISA-kit (RD Systems) following the manufactures’ instructions. We used this kit and protocol since it was successfully utilized by Nahidi et al [34]. First, 100  µL per well of capture antibody (mouse anti-human OPG with a working concentration of 2.0  µg/mL in a PBS-dilution) was added to a 96-well plate (Falcon, Corning NY, US) incubating overnight at room temperature. Then, the plate was washed three times with wash buffer (0.05% Tween 20 in PBS pH 7.2-7.4) and tapped dry on paper towel. Next, the plate was blocked by adding 300  µL per well of reagent diluent (1% bovine serum albumin (BSA) in PBS pH 7.2-7.4) incubating for 1 hour at room temperature. Meanwhile, 120  µL of faecal extraction and 120  µL of reagent diluent were added to an Eppendorf tube creating a final 1:2 working dilution of sample. After washing the plate, as aforementioned, 100  µL per well of diluted samples and standard s (recombinant human OPG) were added in duplicates incubating for 2 hours at room temperature. Next, the plate was washed and 100  µL per well of detection antibody (biotinylated goat anti-human OPG with a working concentration of 200ng/mL diluted in reagent diluent with 2% heat inactivated normal goat serum ) was added incubating for two hours at room temperature. Following, after washing, 100  µL per well of Streptavidin-Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was added for 20 minutes at room temperature and protected against light using tin foil. After washing, 100  µL per well of substrate (H2O2 and Tetramethylbenzidine in a 1:1 dilution) was added for 20 minutes and protected against light. Hereafter 50  µL per well of Stop Solution (2M H2SO4) was added and optical density was immediately analysed using a 450 nm microplate reader (Spectramax 190, Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). The lower detection limit of this assay was 250 pg/mL. Statistical analysis The obtained data from the microplate reader was calculated using Softmax Pro (version 5.3, October 1998; Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). [x1]Either 12.5 or 17.5. Differs between articles [x2]Not sure if this is right but found this in other articles

Monday, August 19, 2019

Xenophanes Concept of God :: Philosophical Philosophy Religion essays

Xenophanes' Concept of God Xenophanes of the late 6th and early 5th centuries BC should be credited, in opposition to his critics and misinterpreters, with an advanced contribution to the Western philosophy of religion, namely that there is one God. First, he exposes the weaknesses of the Greek pantheon. Then he satirically demonstrates the narcissistic limitations of human conceptions of the nature of the divine. Third, he logically structures a coherent concept of the nature of the only God. Then finally he reveals how his concept explains certain observable natural phenomena in an account of physical reality. 1. Xenophanes said "there is one god, among gods and men the greatest... "[1] but why would that idea be unusual for his culture, in its history? He explains that everyone in his culture had been taught by the famous poets and writers, including Homer, that a pantheon of multiple deities existed and affected the lives of humans in various ways. The nature of these gods, however, defies the whole notion of deity. Anaximander had earlier conceived of the underlying "stuff" of the universe as apeiron, an unexplainable something. But Xenophanes carries the notion much farther by attacking the mythology of his time and giving definition to the ineffable source of life. The famous writers "attributed to the gods all things that are shameful and a reproach among mankind: theft, adultery, and mutual deception" [2]. Illogically also, humans thought that gods were born and had clothing, voices, and bodies as well [3]. Surely, gods had to be more than glorified albeit often more immoral than hu mans, by the definition of "god." Probably Xenophanes viewed God from two perspectives. First, the Homeric gods demonstrated behavior that simply resembled the behavior of humans. God, by definition, had to be someone greater, better than humans in some way(s). He said that the One God is "greatest among the gods, not like mortals in form or thought." Thus worship of this God implies that an all-encompassing greatness is a factor of worship, which means primarily submission to and reverence for a being greater than oneself. As well, morality seems to be recognized by all cultures in some form or another, but reveals a certain weakness or propensity in humans to behave badly at times, as opposed to behaving well at times. There is an inherent recognition that there are good and bad actions and God is "not like mortals in form or thought.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Its Time for More Bible and Less Welfare Essay -- Argumentative Persu

It's Time for More Bible and Less Welfare      Ã‚   Government has considered and tried many plans for dealing with poverty in the United States, from all different points of view-welfare, workfare, charities, economic interference, and the like. There is one method, however, which has fallen out of popularity in this age. This is the biblical method.    What God says about the poor The Christian, or biblical, view of poverty is liberal in some respects and conservative in others. For example, Paul gives this rule to the early church: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat" (2 Thessalonians 3:10). At the same time, the leaders of the church placed great importance on providing food for the poor, and James says that pure and faultless religion is to "look after orphans and widows in their distress" (James 1:27). While the early church cared for the poor as a community, pooling together their resources and assigning deacons to oversee the distribution of food to the poor (Acts 6:1-6), in the Old Testament the welfare of the poor was not the responsibility of the church or any form of government, but of individuals: "There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land" (Deuteronomy 15:11). Paul's rule, if a man will not work he shall not eat, is balance d by the God-given rights of the poor (Psalm 82:3). Proverbs indicates that poverty is often the result of laziness or foolishness (Proverbs 6:10-11, 10:4), yet makes it clear that the happiest people may be poor through no fault of their own (Proverbs 13:7, 15:17, 19:1). Proverbs also declares it a virtue to help the poor: "He who is kind to the poor l... ...inated while this world lasts. However, by following the guidelines in the Bible to establish a modern-day system of gleaning, we can do something about poverty. The gleaning system, although it is almost completely opposite of what U.S. policy has been for many years, is neither impossible nor improbable. Before government welfare was instituted, the poor relied on the charity of individuals and churches. A nationwide gleaning program, bringing back the values of charity and neighborliness that our modern society seems to have lost, would be more successful than welfare can ever be in this country.    Works Cited: Osborne, David and Gaebler, Ted (1993). Reinventing Government: How the Entrepreneurial Spirit is Transforming America (New York: Penguin Books).    The Holy Bible, New English Translation. Biblical Studies Press. 16 Feb. 2002. .

Essay --

R.K. Narayan’s initial works drew inspiration from his own childhood and school days. In his first few books, he tries to introduce Malgudi and its characters to his readers. This had helped in creating a strong base among his readers about the settings of his books. As in seen in his initial four books, starting from ‘Swami And Friends’ to ‘The English Teacher’ , the characters are confined to Malgudi and most of the story takes place in that town. ‘Swami and Friends’, R.K. Narayan’s first book was described by The Guardian,in 2011, as one of the best novels ever written by an Indian author. Undeniably, an average Indian always thinks of ‘Swami and Friends’ and ‘The Guide’ as Narayan’s best work. The novel follows the life and adventures of Swami, a schoolboy in British India. The characters in this book are very typical of an Indian village: a dominating father, a submissive mother, a religious grandmother who mollycoddles her grandchildren, a stern headmaster and of course, the playful Swami. After having been dismissed from Albert Mission School, Swami is made to join Board High School. While his close friends, Rajam and Mani from his previous school decides to form a cricket team called Malgudi Cricket Club (MCC), Swami has little choice but to skip his Drill classes and go for daily evening practice. Problems ensue when he decides to leave Malgudi after being reprimanded by his Headmaster. After a series of dramatic events, Swami misses the much anticipated and much prepared for match, against Young Men’s Union, a team from Chennai, to Rajam’s ire. The novel ends with Rajam leaving for Trichinopoly, while Swami and Mani bids him farewell at the Malgudi Rail way Station. As with a lot of his other novels, Narayan leaves the ... wife to return home, assuming that it was just another tantrum that she throws. Though the novel ends on a negative note in regard to women rights, it makes a successful attempt in at least bringing the issue to the forefront. With ‘The Dark Room’, Narayan tries to bring to the attention of his readers the plight of women at that time. While Savithri’s house is symbolic for the conservative and orthodox customs, practices and beliefs in Malgudi, the dark room in her house where she seeks refuge from her husband’s tantrums represents the space where a woman is separated from the rest of the world. The dark room is just a temporary retreat for women struggling to survive in an old-fashioned world. The author, in all probability gained inspiration for this work from the women’s movement that gained strength in the 1930’s along with the nationalist movement in India.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Novel by Haruki Murakami Essay

The short story â€Å"On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning† by Haruki Murakami connects with the reader through the idea that you can encounter true love by chance. Unfortunately, that chance can get away from you without any real action from yourself. The story is set in Tokyo in 1981 on what is described as a beautiful April morning. It sounds like a regular day, what made it beautiful for the main character was that he saw the girl that was 100% perfect girl for him. The methods of fiction help us better understand and connect to stories. The narration is done in the first and third person points of view. The first person point of view inserts the reader into the situation, making the story very personal. The third person narrative gives a different, larger perspective on the story and gives us more of an insight into the concept of chance. From a characterization stand point the main character is portrayed as a regular person and really only encounters a regular girl but in his eyes, she is really more like a girl from another world. There is one other person in the story but only provides a little bit of dialogue and is not developed at all. The third person narrative develops the two different main characters in ways first person does not. The overall tone of the story is somber. The idea of once having your true love so close then letting â€Å"fate† run its course only to never feel the same way again is depressing As a whole, this story connects the reader to an event that many have probably encountered in their life; seeing the perfect person, just for a second but not taking action. We go on with our lives and think nothing of it but this story delves a bit deeper into a possible scenario connecting the two people. In the end however, the characters still lose each other.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Company Analysis Johnson And Johnson Essay

Internationalization Overview It was the joint efforts of three brothers, Robert Wood Johnson, Edward Wood Johnson and Edward Mead Johnson that lead to the inception of Johnson & Johnson in 1886 at New Brunswick, New Jersey. Even today the company strongly follows the Credo, which was formulated by its founder Robert Wood Johnson as philosophy that guides their business. It is a multinational firm established in 60 countries with over 275 companies over the world and is mainly diversified in three different fields namely Consumer Healthcare, Medical Devices & Diagnostics and Pharmaceuticals. Johnson & Johnson has an asset of $131.19 billion. ( With all the companies that it owns, it comprises as the largest and the most diverse medical devices and Diagnostics Company, the sixth largest consumer health company, sixth largest pharmaceuticals company, and the sixth largest biologics company. The company has been driven by innovation from their inception. One of their first products was a first aid kit for treating small injuries, which could be used by anyone. The use of child care products was introduced by them in 1894, which is highly successful till date. It was in the year 1924 that Johnson & Johnson started their internationalization, expanding their operations to the United Kingdom. This was extremely successful expansion and it added a great boost to the company’s growth. This carved a path for further expansion internationally into British colonies like South Africa in 1930 and Australia in 1931 and neighbouring country of Mexico in 1930.With the Robert Wood Johnson II taking the leadership of the company he changed the company’s Global strategy and made the company as a decentralized family of companies. Their operations were further expanded into Argentina and Brazil in 1937 flowed by the formation of Ortho Research Laboratories Inc. and Ethicon Inc. in New Jersey. In 1957 they established their operations in India, the first expansion into Asia. In the 1959 there were many acquisitions by the company, McNeil Laboratories in Fort Washington, United States, Cilag AG in Switzerland followed by acquisition of Janssen Pharmaceutica in 1961, it was considered one of the most innovative firm then. ( In the late 70’s and 80’s Johnson & Johnson enters into new health care markets such as diabetes management, vision care and mechanical closure of wounds. This created the possibilities for more expansion, and they entered into China and Egypt. The late 90’s was followed by a series of acquisitions; some of them were Centocor, Cordis Corporation, Kodak’s Clinical Diagnostics and Neutrogena Corporation. The expansion into Eastern European market and Russia was a major move. In 2002 they acquired Tibotec-Virco, a firm which helps patients with non curable diseases such as Tuberculosis and AIDS. A major acquisition was Pfizer Consumer Healthcare in 2006. The main goal for them was to follow their Credo, which has been immensely successful. The internationalization strategy was to adapt to changing global markets and basically decentralize their operations. This was what mate them Strengthen their Global Presence. Most of their international expansion was through large acquisitions of established firms. Their steady growth shows how they have captured markets all over the world. They use mainly use adaptation strategy, hence they are focused on the particular target market and have different methods of operations in  different markets. Network Analysis With over 275 companies under one roof Johnson & Johnson group of companies is one of the largest in the world. The Data sets provided gives us a clear idea of how the network is connected from the parent to its subsidiaries. The main objective is to identify how the main subsidiaries are connected to the parent. (Fig. 1) Subsidiaries The above figure depicts the layout of how the main subsidiaries of Johnson & Johnson are connected. Generally nodes with higher centrality measures cannot be considered as main subsidiary, hence a series of analysis is done on the identified subsidiaries using network analysis techniques. The main subsidiaries of Johnson & Johnson are different in each scope of their diversified areas. The Consumer Health Segment is under Johnson & Johnson brand name and they are established in more than 60 countries and are having individual ties with each country and they have their own presence by themselves without any strategic tie ups. However, the administration and finance department seem to have many ties with subgroups within the organization as well as external sources. The Pharmaceutical segment is also one of the largest networks, with Janssen Pharmaceutica which is their main subsidiary. As a main subsidiary, they operate with a number of companies under this banner. Cilag which is also a big company is under the Janssen Pharmaceuticals. Crucell which is a firm developing vaccine is also under the Janssen group. Galapagos which is a joint venture between Crucell and Tibotec deals with the research and development in pharmaceutical industry and is a major contributor to the innovations achieved by Janssen Pharmaceutical. The Medical Devices & Diagnostics segment is the largest and the most diverse  segment in the world. Johnson & Johnson have one of the biggest companies in terms or Research and development under this segment. Some of their subsidiaries are Animas Corporation, Cordis Corporation, Depuy Synthes companies of Johnson & Johnson, Ethicon, Ethicon Endo Surgery, Janssen Diagnostics, Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, mentor and Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics. Most of these are directly connected to the parent firm, but they also seem to have feeble ties within themselves. The comparison of different centrality measures such as Degree, Betweenness, Eigenvector, Closeness and other analysis such as Density, K-cores, Structural Holes, and subgroup division Algorithms like Girvan-Newman, Fractions will help us identify how the parent subsidiary network is formed. Density The complete network Density or the Average Matrix Value is 0.003 for the given data set. The Standard Deviation of the Density is 0.058 and the average weighted degree is 1.278 Centrality Measures Degree (Fig. 2) Degree Centrality The above figure shows the degree of each node with respect to its size, the highest degree is Johnson & Johnson with 119 ties, followed by Indaver with 30 ties Indaver BV with 18ties, Cilag Holdings AG with 17 ties, Johnson & Johnson management limited with 16 ties, Johnson & Johnson International Finance with 15, Synthes Holdings AG with 14 and Crucell N.V. with 12. Indaver has higher degrees than the subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, though it is not its subsidiary. Janssen pharmaceutical is one of the share holder with Indaver, which provides them with waste management solutions, they have helped them to cut CO2 emission by 270 tonnes annually (Indaver Sustainability Report, 2013).The main subsidiaries of Johnson & Johnson have  also higher degree centrality. The labelled nodes were identified to have the higher degree. Eigen vector (Fig 3) Eigenvector Centrality Eigen vector centrality is measured with respect to the connectivity of nodes with higher degrees. This is effective in helping to identify firms with more social importance or higher level firms such as management and operations level. The key observations from this centrality are that all the nodes they represent the Main subsidiaries of Johnson & Johnson, have higher eigenvector values, as they had connectivity to nodes with higher degrees, Cilag, Depuy Synthes, Crucell, Janssen Pahrmaceutica, Ethicon, Apsis, all of them have higher eigenvectors as they are the main subsidiaries and are connected with nodes with higher degree. Betweenness (Fig 4) Betweeness Betweeneess represents the nodes that are involved in linking major nodes to lesser connected nodes, thereby making a strong coordination within a network. This identifies the nodes of the network that are bridges between the stronger and the weaker connected nodes. The analysis from fig 4. implies that companies such as Adimmune Corporation, Taiwan Biotech, Indaver, Galapagos , Janssen Pahrmaceutica, Crucell , have very high betweenness and are majorly involved in coordination of work between firms. Closeness (Fig 5) Closeness The closeness determines how close the next node is to the main node, hence  the nodes at the periphery of the network are more closer to the next node inside the network. The nodes with lesser closeness are more harder to be reached for any communication. Fig. 5 shows the different closeness of each node. Nodes of higher degree were not really close to each subset of nodes. Nodes with higher betweenness had proportional farness, which mean they had very low closeness. The lower closeness nodes were mostly the major subsidiaries of Johnson & Johnson. Network Cohesiveness K- Core Analysis The K-core analysis identifies nodes of a network that are more connected to other nodes in other parts of the network. The analysis provided us with three k values 1, 2 and 3. This is helpful to identify the core network which is more important than the other nodes. (Fig 6) K-Core Analysis In the above figure the nodes in re have a k value of 1. These nodes are mainly in the periphery of the network and are lesser connected to the main network, the sub nodes connected to them have degree 1. (Fig 7) K-Core Analysis with k value 2 These nodes in fig. 2 have a k value of 2, these are mainly the nodes which bridge the main core to the other network. The labelled nodes are the subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson which are in the sub-core. (Fig 8) K-Core Analysis with k value 3 The above figure show the core network of the organization, these nodes are more connected the main node that the others with their connected nodes having higher degrees than others. Hence the labelled nodes are the major  nodes that are involved in the functioning of the organization. The observations of the k-core analysis are that the subsidiary such as Cilag, Ethicon, OMJ pharmaceuticals, Depuy, forms the major core of the organization. The main core also consists of investor management firm, which helps the organisation fund innovations that are much needed for the growth of the company. Turnbull Investment Company plays an important role in handling investments of Johnson & Johnson. Sub Group Analysis Girvan-Newman Algorithm This algorithm helps in sorting out different community of structures within a network that forms a cohesive sub group. The main objective is to identify different subgroups in a large network by removing important nodes and leaving only the sub group intact. Fig. 9 clearly shows the division of subgroups that having different colour. Indaver , Adimmune Corporation, Prime Oil Service Corporation, Taiwan Biotech Co. Ltd., these are external companies that have ties ups or technology sharing with Johnson & Johnson. Other Subgroups that are divided are subsidiaries of Johnson & Johnson, some of them are Janssen Pharmaceutica, Synthes Inc., Crucell N.V., Johnson & Johnson Holding Gmbh, Johnson & Johnson Financial Services Company, Johnson And Johnson Management Limited. These firms form the major subgroup in the network. (Fig 9) Girvan Newman Algorithm Factions The Factions sub grouping is another method to find the subgroups within a network. Here again we are able to input the number of groups to be divided.  An estimate of 38 clusters could give an idea of how many major subgroups that existed in the network. Fig 10 shows the outcome of the factions sub grouping. (Fig 10) Factions From the analysis and the network datasets, the parent Network is Identifies as Johnson & Johnson, and some of the major subsidiaries are Janssen Pharmaceutica, Cilag, Depuy Synthes, Animas Corporation, Apsis, Mcneil Products, Crucell, Ethicon, Ethicon Endo surgery, Cordis Corporation, Mentor. Implications of the network structure on the innovation activity Johnson & Johnson has been a firm driven by innovation since its inception. As the outcomes of innovation influences the lives of many people Johnson & Johnson has managed to reach its products 175 countries. From the network structure it is evident that subsidiary firms are maintained with independent operations and the operations of the firms is decentralized. Pharmaceutical companies owned by them are independent by themselves for any innovations involved. They don’t seem to have influence on the other subsidiary firms. Firms such as Apsis, Ethicon, Ethicon Endo, Depuy, Synthes, have innovation activity of their own and are developing their own products, and do not reply upon other firms which are owned by Johnson & Johnson. These firms that deal with Medical Devices and Diagnostics are specific upon their product line and are bound to deliver their targets. Almost all the firms in this segment have Research and Development facilities of their own and do not rely on other investments from external sources. Many joint ventures within its network of subsidiaries have been beneficial for Johnson & Johnson, like Depuy Synthes, the collaboration between them has given birth to subsidiaries like Depuy Spine, Depuy Mitek, Depuy Orthopaedics, and Depuy Products. This shows the strength of Johnson & Johnson as the largest and the most diverse organization in the world. The Pharmaceutical segment which is under Janssen Pharmaceutica, has some firms like, Crucell, Cilga, and McNeill. These companies carry out innovations on their own as well. But they tend to have a collaborated structure within them and they are bound to share technologies with external firms outside their network, In order to share risks and benefits. Crucell have a technology sharing strategy with Adimmune Corporation. Whereas Janssen Pharmecutica are dependent on Indaver for waste management solutions. There are many benefits of collaborations and technology sharing. Johnson & Johnson is a firm with high collaborations within their firms, different companies within their firms have self sustainable resources to develop alliances with other firms, this allows them to grow to a higher potential than the parental firm. This has been the major reason for the vast expansion of Johnson & Johnson into many markets. Scope for further improvement in Innovation As there is no end for innovation the firms has been actively involved in various innovation programs that currently changing the trends in the world. One of the simplest innovations that changed the world was the Band-Aid. It just changed the way people have been treating wounds. The list of innovated products by Johnson & Johnson is vast. They are a firm which are totally depended upon innovation. Technology sharing within the companies within the firm must be initiated within all firms to enhance the ties within partnering firms. As on date they are the Sixth largest Consumer healthcare company, Their Target must be to become the number one company in the world. Only inventing more products will help them reach their target. Setting up more Research and Development programmes in underdeveloped countries will help in opening up new ventures for the firm, as well as then targeted area. Then development of vaccines for new virus that have been identified can be implemented. Viruses such as HIV, Ebola, Swine Flu, and Bird Flu are on the  rise, Johnson & Johnson must capitalize these opportunities and innovate new vaccines for cure. Hence the pharmaceutical companies must take combined efforts to make the firm strengthen its capacity. Diabetes is believed to be increasing in the younger population, hence controlling drugs and prevention methods or early diagnostics can be innovated. Setting up Innovation center in local market will help in bringing up more innovations into the firm, as only local people will understand the need of the local market. This could help them to leapfrog their position as to become the number one Consumer Healthcare Company. References Books: Borgatti, S., Everett, M. and Johnson, J. (2013). Analyzing social networks. Los Angeles [i.e. Thousand Oaks, Calif.]: SAGE Publications. Websites:, (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Mar. 2015]. antwerpes + partner, w. (2015). Fields of Activity – Cilag AG. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Mar. 2015]. antwerpes + partner, w. (2015). History – Cilag AG. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Mar. 2015]. antwerpes + partner, w. (2015). Portrait – Cilag AG. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Mar. 2015]., (2015). Global Home | Cordis | cordis. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Mar. 2015]. Credo. (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Mar. 2015]., (2015). Crucell’s history. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Mar. 20 15].

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Mayana Leaves Essay

I. Introduction People of different cultures have long used plants, especially those with therapeutic values. They believe plants to have healing powers. In most parts of our country, many people have embraced the powers of plants in their daily lives. Modern medicine has downplayed the importance of this traditional knowledge, but now it has begun to acknowledge the value of using plants for medicinal purposes. Plants supply the phytochemicals of the healing system needed by the body. Phytochemicals are secondary metabolites that are scientifically known as the bioactive constituents with therapeutic activity. They are non-nutritive plant chemical that contain protective, disease-preventing compounds. Thorough screening and analysis of these medicinal plants may expose the bioactive components responsible for their healing capacities. This screening involves processes like extraction, purification and characterization of the active constituents of pharmaceutical importance. The Philippines takes pride of its rich natural resources and its flora offers an abundant source of medicinal plants. Production and utilization of local plants with phytochemical properties must be given vital importance since there is an immense chance that locally produced and less expensive drugs can be sourced from them. This may also pave the way for the discovery of novel compounds and locally made drugs that can compete in the global market. Mayana (coleus sp. ) is a traditional plant used to dress cuts and bruises, because of this, we have decided to do a phytochemical screening. The project hopes to find in mayana, value as a new tool in modern medicine at the very least, increase the general  knowledge about the plant. The extract will be made by preparing a solution of crushed plants in 80% ethyl alcohol. The leaf and stem extract were screened for the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids and anthraquinones. The assay was done by the paper disc method of assay. Different concentrations of the extract will be assayed against different kinds of bacteria. The screening showed that the stems contained considerable quantities of alkaloids. The results of the assay showed that tradition holds true in the laboratory as the leaf extract strongly showed signs of antibacterial activity. The reverse was true for the stems as they were found out to facilitate bacterial growth instead of impeding it. Future researches may include identification of the specific kind of flavonoids, alkaloids and quinones present on the plant and their specific effects. They may also try to utilize the bacterial activity of the stem to make a mayana stem-based nutrient agar. Objectives To identify the presence of certain phytochemical constituents present in Mayana To screen the major phytochemical constituents and evaluate antibacterial activity tests of leaf extracts of Mayana To determine the antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal, cytotoxic, and phytochemical properties of ethanol extracts of leaves of Mayana II. Materials and Methods A. Folkloric Survey Before proceeding with our choice of plant, we did a survey to determine the plants that are used by an â€Å"albularyo† or quack doctor in treating his/her patients. A folkloric survey has been prepared by the researchers and the questions used were given by the professor. The folkloric survey prepared aims to determine the a) the plants that the albularyo still uses at present, b) the medicinal purposes of those plants stated by the albularyo, c) the part of the plant that is used by the albularyo and d) the proper method of using the plant medicinally and the recommended dosage. We searched for an albularyo in local/rural areas. The community that we chose is located in Bataan. B. Phytochemical Screening Plant Collection and Preparation We collected about 50 grams of mayana leaves from the local or rural area. We washed it with clean water and drained off the excess liquid. After, we air dried them for one week or until the leaves are brittle making sure that they are constantly aerated to prevent the accumulation of fungi on the leaves. After air drying, the leaves were cut into small pieces. The small pieces of leaves were soaked for two days into a 500 ml beaker containing 200 ml ethanol. Plant Extraction After 2 days of soaking the leaves, we extracted the leaves using filtration. We used a glass funnel with a filter paper that is placed on a tripod for easier use. A beaker was used to collect the extract. The leaves were filtered in the funnel with the filter paper. After filtration, we obtained the filtrate in the beaker. The first layer of the liquid was removed through decantation until the extract was obtained and ready for analysis. Identification of Plant Constituents by Thin Layer Chromatography The extract that we obtained through decantation was tested for the presence of phytochemicals using thing layer chromatography. A TLC plate was given to us which measures 2 cm x 7 cm. Using a pencil, we marked the TLC plate 1 cm from the top and 1 cm from the bottom. And then, we applied the plant samples in the bottom mark by blotting through the use of a capillary tube. The blot should be at least 2 mm in diameter but not more than 5 mm for it to climb up the TLC plate. After, we prepared solvent systems to determine the best solvent system for our plant extract. In the preparation of the solvent systems, we used hexane and ethyl acetate. There were 3 ratios used: 9:1, 7:3 and 6:4. Three TLC plates with the blotted plant extract were placed inside the developing chambers lined with filter paper and covered by a petri dish. The chambers were saturated first with 10 ml of the solvent using the 3 ratios to allow the solvent to move up the lining while covered before placing the blotted TLC plates. After, the  three TLC plates were placed inside the 3 developing chambers and it was kept covered until the solvent climbed up and reached the upper mark. At first, ours didn’t show any results and we did several tests. Finally, the blotted TLC plate in the 9:1 ratio traveled through the TLC. And in our test, the 9:1 ratio was the best solvent system for our sample. After obtaining the best solvent system to be used, we did another developing chamber with the 10 ml solvent. Just like what we did, we put the 9:1 ratio (10 ml solvent) in the beaker and lined it with filter paper to saturate the chamber. We were given two TLC plates, the other having three blots and the other having four blots, a total of seven blots. The TLC plates were placed in the developing chamber and waited for the solvent to reach the upper mark. There is a visible spotting or separation of the components in our TLC plates and then we proceeded with the spray reagent tests. The TLC plates were cut into seven pieces with the seven blots. Our professor assigned each group with a spray reagent. After doing the spray reagent tests, we obtained the results in our chromatograms. We obtained for positive results in: Phenols, Coumarins, Anthranoids, and Anthraquinones. The results were written in the data sheet provided. IV. Discussion of Results In the mayana leaves extraction, this was the leaves soaked in 200 ml ethanol. From this solution, we obtained the plant extract from the mayana leaves that we used for the phytochemical screening. In the second picture, the blotted TLC plates, this was done by using the capillary tubes to put the extract in the TLC plate. At the third picture, this shows the TLC plates in the developing chamber with the 10 ml solution which was 9 ml hexane and 1 ml ethanol. Lastly, after the spraying of reagents in the TLC plates, we obtained the results above. The positive results that we obtained are – Phenols, Coumarins, Anthranoids and Anthraquinones, respectively. According to our results, mayana plant had blue spots which indicate a positive result with phenols. Phenols have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties which is the same as the mayana plant. Phenols also have antiseptic and it may be present in minimal amount. It also gave a blue zone which tells us that it constitutes coumarins. This indicates that it can be used in wounds. It had yellow zone which shows positive result with anthranoids. Anthranoids can be taken when you have constipation which is the same property as mayana. Orange-violet color was obtained in mayana plant which indicates the presence of anthraquinones. Like phenols and  anthranoids, it can be used as anti-inflammatory and for constipation. Some scientists have demonstrated that some derivatives have activity in vitro against some parasitic species. V. Conclusion Coleus or mayana is a Southeast Asian plant that has brightly colored variated leaves that is popular as a house plant. On our phytochemical screening of this plant, we found out that it has positive results in coumarins which can be used in wounds, anthranoids which can be a treatment for constipation, phenols which can used as anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant and lastly, anthraquinones which can also be used as anti-inflammatory and for constipation. This plant is also commonly used as an ornamental plant due to its purple foliage. Mayana can grow in different habitats. It is one of the traditionally used folklore medicine and it is primarily used for pain, sore, swelling and cuts and other instances as adjunct medication for delayed menstruation. A chemist from the University of the Philippines isolated sterols and triterpenes from leaves of mayana and it exhibited analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities. Another interesting component of the plant is its high rosmarinic acid content. This compound was noted for its biological activities; prominent of those are its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Lastly, we also found out that mayana has its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-protozoal and cytotoxic extracts of mayana. Therefore, mayana is a herbal medicine that you may use in wounds, headaches, fever and bruises just like what is said in the survey. VI. References

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

John Proctor vs Arthur Dimmesdale Essay

The sixth commandment states, â€Å"Thou shall not commit adultery. † This is something that both John Proctor from â€Å"The Crucible† and Arthur Dimmesdale from â€Å"The Scarlet  Letter†Ã‚  committed. John Proctor’s partner in crime is Abigail Williams and Arthur Dimmesdale’s is Hester Prynne. The big difference between these two men is that John accepts his sin and Arthur does not. They both  share  the same sin, but they lived two different but similar lives. Since they both were Puritans and people that the town looked up to. The most glaring difference between John and Arthur is the fact that John isn’t a holy man. Hell, he doesn’t even attend church on Sundays. But this doesn’t change the fact that he completely regrets his crime of adultery. I think it might affect John a lot more than Arthur because he already has a significant other. This makes the sin more personal for John in that regard. John’s reason for not being a holy man (which was a big deal for the time) can be traced to 2 things. 1: Him being a farmer makes his life revolve around the randomness of the weather and the brutality of nature. The corruptness of the religious members of the town. An example is all of the witch accusations that are completely ridiculous and the priest asking the townspeople for money instead of preaching god. John’s personality is also completely different. He is entirely confident in himself (sometimes appearing arrogant) but believes he is right all of the time. This is one of the factors why the townspeople look up to him. But also one of the reasons the townspeople turned against him so fast when he admitted to adultery. Arthur Dimmesdale is as holy as you can get. He is a famous minister that gets transferred to the town of the scarlet letter and is respected by everyone. He eventually commits adultery with Hester Prynne which tears him up inside because it goes against everything he knows. He then beats himself up over it the entire book going as far as mutilating himself as â€Å"punishment†. Now that I mention it maybe Arthur regrets it more. Think about it, he gets punished for having a â€Å"thing† with the only woman he ever loved. Also it breaks all the rules in his lifestyle. Challenging his very means of living. He even gets a child out of this â€Å"mistake†. Pearl, who is a constant reminder of what he did. Arthurs personality is definitely a lot weaker than Johns. He is an incredibly weak man after the affair. Leaving as a shell of his former self. He is in so much guilt over what happened that he starts losing his own sense of reality at one point. Arthur is also incredibly susceptible to Rogers tricks in the book making him a weak man. Now that you know the differences between the characters let’s talk about how they accept their sin. John is pushed to the point where he has no other choice but to confess to the town that he had an affair with Abigail Williams. John is 100% strong in his decision though. He gives Abigail a cold shoulder on his way to his death telling her that it was a mistake and that he never loved her. But he tells his wife that he’s sorry for everything and that he loves her. In my humble opinion I think Proctor went out in pride. Accepting what he did and taking it like a man. Arthur†¦not so much. He knows he’s dying so he decides to let the town know the truth by showing the â€Å"A† carved on his chest to the entire town. This literally takes the â€Å"burden† off his chest but dies immediately after. This shows that he couldn’t take the guilt and that’s what killed him. Revealing it was too much for him. This was my comparison of characters in Puritan society stories and I favored John Proctor over Arthur Dimmesdale. They are both good analysis’s of the human condition and really made me think. Just remember that†¦. â€Å"A person that never made a mistake never tried anything new. † – Albert Einstein